Write Your Story
Maybe you enlisted in the military for patriotic reasons, seeking to serve your country for just a brief season, or because you always knew that the military would be your chosen profession.
Maybe you signed up because you weren’t sure what you wanted to do with your life and while figuring things out you decided to seek beneficial life experience, see the world, and obtain valuable perks. Regardless of the reasons, part of your story is military service.
If you are a military believer God is providentially working in and through your life in every stage and through every circumstance. In your moves, training, deployments, transient relationships, loneliness, and struggles, both the good and bad, God is with you and fulfilling His good purpose in your life.
From Scripture and throughout church history there is evidence that the God of the Bible has been at work in the lives of soldiers and their families through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Reading through the New Testament we see soldiers being drawn to listen to the preaching of John the Baptist, perhaps because they happened to be on duty near that event or because they were simply drawn to listen and respond along with others in the crowd (Luke 3:14).
In Acts 10, we find Cornelius, a Roman Centurion, initiating a Spirit-inspired meeting with the Apostle Peter and other Christians so that he and his family and friends could hear an explanation about Jesus. Read the rest of the story!

“If you are a military believer, find your place in and through God’s Church – wherever you live, train, and serve”

We read in the Scriptures of first century accounts where God was at work in military communities such as Philippi, Corinth, Troas, Lystra, Derbe, Caesarea, and Rome. In the same way, God is at work today in military communities such as Washington DC, Hampton Roads VA, and Colorado Springs CO – as well as in other military communities of many nations across the globe.
It’s no coincidence that God is at work in the lives of military and military communities! It’s not by chance that He uses military believers in and through His church, just as He did long ago through the life of Cornelius in the military community of Caesarea (Acts 10).
If you are a military believer, find your place in and through God’s Church – wherever you live, train, and serve! God is at work in all the domains of human life and culture and is bringing about His good purpose even in the midst of the darkest chaos and tragedy. The cross of Christ proves so.
You are important in terms of the church’s call to minister to you and other military singles and families. You are significant when it comes to the potential contribution that you and other military believers can make in the life and ministry of the body of Christ in so many locations. Don’t let the fact that you have a transient lifestyle hinder you from being meaningfully engaged in faith and ministry.
Find your place in every place where you live, train, and serve! You are significant and your presence and engagement is important. Give your heart. Don’t hold back from making a difference just because it’s much easier to adopt an aloof way of life as a Christian serving in the military. The church needs you!
If you are a military believer who is serious about your faith and making a difference, strategically connect with churches, ministries, chaplains, and other believers along each step of your journey. MilitaryBeliever.com has been designed to facilitate the purpose of helping you make needed connections so that you might both give and receive in every location. Find your place! Write your story!
“Give your heart. Don’t hold back from making a difference…the church needs you!”
If you are transitioning from military service and are interested in short-term or vocational missions, use MilitaryBeliever.com to find ministries offering opportunities for short-term or full-time missions’ service that match your interests and skills set.
The Help Desk is available if you or someone you know in the military needs help with ministry contacts in a certain location. The Help Desk is a collaborative effort among like-minded friends and partners working together to provide ministry connections for military and military families worldwide.
“My time in the Navy equipped me with the leadership skills and initiative necessary to transition from the military into vocational ministry. My family and I have been blessed to be a part of three churches in different states during my military career, and each of them has been vital to my discipleship and spiritual formation. I’ve had the opportunity to serve in those churches in everything from children’s ministry to preaching on Sunday morning and will continue to do so as my walk with the Lord progresses.”