What is the purpose of this site?
This site is about providing information and connecting individuals, ministries, chaplains, and churches associated with the military community.
Who is in charge of this site?
The administrator for this site is Military Missions Network, one of the ministries which collaborated to develop MilitaryBeliever.com. The seven founding ministries of MilitaryBeliever.com are Cadence International, Cru Military, Club Beyond/Military Community Youth Ministries, Military Missions Network, Officers’ Christian Fellowship, Navigators Military Ministry and Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Is sign up required for individual users?
No sign up or login is required to search the directory of this site. This is a free service.
Find ways to serve the military of your community! Launch an organized military ministry in your church. Volunteer to serve with an established military ministry or in your church or chapel community. Start a Bible study in your barracks or on your ship – wherever you live, train, or serve. Become a chaplain. There are so many ways that you can join this exciting movement!

If this is your passion and you have a heart for military singles and families, we would love to connect with you and your church or ministry! There are all kinds of opportunities to work together with a great host of friends and partners who share some aspect of this same important calling. A great many of them participate in the collaborative efforts of MilitaryBeliever.com.

Churches and ministries listed on this site help facilitate connections with military believers and networking efforts with other ministry leaders in their respective communities and beyond. MilitaryBeliever.com is a valuable reference and referral tool to assist relocating service members and their families.

Please help spread the word about this resource! Donations are needed for the growth, development and administration of the site and are always appreciated. Your support can make a huge difference in the lives of service-members and their families!

To learn more about engaging in this movement, send us an email and we will help you with appropriate connections, share relevant information, and answer your questions.

Is there a fee to have my church or ministry listed?
No fee is charged to list a church or ministry. However, donations are needed for the growth, development and administration of the site and are always appreciated. All gifts are tax-deductible. Your support can make a difference in the lives of military singles and families!
What categories of churches are listed in this directory?

All listed churches are defined as military friendly.

  • A Church Plant is a new church which is less than five years old and which has a heart to minister to military members and families.
  • A Focused Church is a church which has implemented a defined strategy to minister to and through military members and families.
  • A Lead Church is an influential military community church which has a desire to be a servant leader in missional military ministry – both within their community and beyond. Through this initiative, participating churches will encourage each other to achieve a higher level of excellence in this important arena.
  • An International Church is an English speaking church located outside the US or a US territory, near where US military live and/or serve, which has a heart for outreach and ministry to military members and families (US and other military).

Visit Military Missions Network to learn more about categories of churches which are engaged in gospel-centered military ministry.

I am serving in the military of a nation other than the United States. How can I connect through this site?
We will be glad to help you connect with ministries or contacts in your own country. Please contact the Help Desk for assistance.
This site with its related services is not set up to address and handle emergencies. Service members and their families who are interested in addressing issues of personal discipleship or immediate crisis are encouraged to contact appropriate churches or ministries listed in MilitaryBeliever.com. If you are depressed or need counseling, call a chaplain at your nearest military installation or a pastor at a nearby church.

If you are having thoughts of suicide, call 988 immediately. The Military Crisis Line is a free, confidential resource for all service members, including members of the National Guard and Reserve, and Veterans, even if you are not enrolled in VA benefits or health care.